Another name for Diamondback Rattlesnake is Crotalus Atrox snake. This Salem snake is among the most understood snakes and people think they are ornery, cold-blooded and calculating in nature.
The appearance of diamondback rattlesnakes
The location where Oregon diamondback rattlesnake is found will determine the coloration. The reason for this is due to the genetic expressions. The main colors range from straw yellow, brick red, brownish, pink or light gray. There are chevron interlace marks on the back, which gave it the name diamondback rattlesnakes. It has broad head with two diagonal lines present on each eyes and run through the supra labial scales.
The habitat and behavior of diamondback rattlesnakes
Diamondback rattlesnakes mostly live in the forests thorny areas, grassland, deserts, rolling plains and outcropping. They are also found in the trash piles as well as junk yards where mice and rats usually take refuge at the end become food for the Salem snake. The active period of this snake is mainly during the month of March and temperature is a major factor of influence to the activity. This snake is known to be active including during the day in mild temperature.
The biology and life cycle of diamondback rattlesnakes
Male diamondback rattlesnakes usually grow bigger in size when compared to the female Salem diamondback rattlesnakes. The male usually come out of hibernation in search of food as well as mates in the spring. The meeting of two diamondback rattlesnakes usually result to serous fight in order to know the winner. The winner of the fight is allowed the privilege to mate with the available female. After the gestation period female diamondback rattlesnakes usually give birth to babies ranging from 9-14 within the months of September through October.
Diamondback rattlesnakes diet
Just like every other Oregon snake species, the diamondback rattlesnakes are known to eat mammals such as chipmunks, squirrels, cottontail rabbits, mice and rats. Diamondback rattlesnakes sometimes usually forage for the prey. But, sometimes the snake may decide to lay ambush using a trick of lying within rodent trails. It will be there waiting just to coil over any rodent that eventually come close by.
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